Web Design South Africa the entertainment hub

The Entertainment Hub

The Entertainment hub

The Entertainment Hub is an audio, video and events portal for up and coming artists wanting to showcase their talents online. This is a web design South Africa client.

Artists are able to register on the website, once they are done they are able to load audio tracks of their work for visitors to listen to or even download if they so choose. To take their appeal to the next level artists are able have video recordings of their music on the website for viewing.

Last but certainly not least is the ability to have events of upcoming appearance uploaded, so you can see the talented artists live.

The website is easy to navigate and very user friendly for members to display their music. Visitors are able to browse the music by genre and artists, making it very simple to enjoy your type of music.

Graham (Web Designer Cape Town)

G Web Design (Web Design Cape Town)

“Your partner on the web”

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